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Corned Beef “Wet”

Steve’s waistband gets sweaty each day during the show. Pat is in Arizona for Spring Training. The Professor gave him a cool gift. Emails lead to a Churchill’s War Room recommendation. Steve viewed The Golden Girls recently and found it to be enjoyable.

About This Episode

What’s the best thing to serve with your corned beef? We’ve got 14 ideas for you on this St. Patrick’s Day special. Does Sticky Chicken have bones, or is it boneless? Early reviews are coming in for Brendan’s book and we’re offering this spoiler alert: the sex stuff begins almost immediately, so prepare yourself for a wet waistband. Pat Dahl is sending notes from Arizona as baseball season is underway. Finally, despite how things may appear, it seems likely that Steve and Garry are still basically cool with each other. Certain people's wives, not so much.

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