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Janet’s Camp Songs

Steve shocked the pool, a method for adding chemicals. Dag singed his forearm hair in an ignition mishap, before turning the tide with a curry chicken triumph. Vienna Beef Plaza will be redeveloped in Bucktown. Janet wishes Steve would empty the hamper.

About This Episode

Steve’s pool is clouded by some tree dandruff, but he safely pours in a potent chemical to alleviate the situation. Dag was a little careless during an otherwise delicious and successful grilling session (curry chicken breasts!), and has a right arm devoid of hair to show for it. As a child, Brendan visited the Fisherman’s Dude Ranch and was amazed at how easy it was to catch fish, until his father gave him a reality check. Janet shares some incredibly specific camp songs from her childhood. and she also recalls carrying recent birthday boy Mike Dahl up a series of MI dunes. We’ve got all sorts of hot dog stories today, as well as some golf outing details.

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