Mint, Basil or Buffoonery?
Growing Belushi is a captivating reality show about Jim’s marijuana farm. Jimmy Dean hot sausage is the secret ingredient that blistered Flowermouth. Dag’s Norwegian mom made up a name for gravy skin. The Goose Island CTA bar car was spotted on the Ike.
About This Episode
What’s inside those Jimmy Dean sausages that’s got Flowermouth all agitated? We do a deep dive into the fascinating, reefer-based reality show, Growing Belushi. Is a relative of the late actor Marlon Brando, who wasn’t above phoning it in for the money, according to Christopher Reeve, coming for Dag? In late breaking sponsor news: there’s a new website for Roast2Order, and there’s a piece of Goose Island themed Chicago history on the loose. Speaking of things on the loose, how is The Juice making ends meet?
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