Stay in Time
The origin of NyQuil’s name is shrouded in legend. Steve watched his grandkids play in the pool from his upstairs window. Off Broadway’s Cliff Johnson, the catalyst for Steve’s Anthony character, passed away. Governor Pritzker tested positive for COVID.
About This Episode
Steve, still bumming out that his knee surgery did not happen today, is marveling at the power of the "Quils", both Day and Ny, and we discover (Google) some facts about their origins. Brendan’s building continues to get sided and quite possibly, the carpenters are pounding proud nails. Steve’s family used to be friends with some Jack Mormons, which Dag thinks would make an excellent band name. Steve relates a Cliff Johnson story. that hints at Cliff's his possible bipolar nature. Do you have a favorite jingle for a local product? It’s a Talk To Me Tuesday too!
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