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Bear vs. Squirrel

Dag painted his shed while Steve did some touching up after a near roadblock at Sherwin-Williams. Tom Thayer captured a squirrel and released it in a forest 5 miles away. Steve and Janet shopped a vast farmers market. Brendan got his vaccine at Wrigley.

About This Episode

What’s Amazon delivering to your door today, and are they bringing it or flinging it? We check in with Tom Thayer, who’s been consumed with humanely trapping a squirrel and taking it for a ride to its new home, exactly five miles away. No one is on board with the new baseball rules, and we’re not so hot on launch angle and exit velocity either. Steve has an elaborate dream about Brendan, and an elaborate journey they make together. Speaking of Brendan, he’s gotten his first shot at Wrigley, with a stunning photograph to prove it.

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