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Chasing Rabbits

About This Episode

Steve’s mouth needs time to warm up this morning, but eventually things fall into place. Steve ushers Janet through an incredibly lengthy backup of her new iPhone, which might still be going on. Things are really taking shape at Chez Brendan. Not only has his bulls order of pretzels arrived, but he’s now put in a vintage bar (seating capacity: 3), stocking it with all the booze and mixology tools one might need as well. He also offers a life hack for his "special" Old Fashioned. Tom Thayer joins us to talk surfing, golfing, and some Bears scuttlebutt pertaining to the upcoming draft. See a rabbit that needs chasing down? Dr. Keith Sklar and his dog Eli are at your service. Kai Juhlin receives a generous tip from a listener and the Juhlin family are enjoying it.

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