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Cookie Monster Steve

Steve got called out for a Candy Cane Joe-Joe’s binge. Janet impersonates Space Dweeb Steve. Steve lays claim to all food under his roof. Steve approves of Pat’s visit to Italy. Steve’s weekend birthday dinner will be held at Dell Rhea’s Chicken Basket.

About This Episode

Steve is having some trouble with Oreos and employs some monarch-style behavior to settle a cookie ownership dispute. We receive a brief history of dining in the Dahl house, in addition to learning some of the strict dinner table rules Janet had to endure as a child. Steve approves of Pat’s reason for taking his family on an extended trip to Italy during the school year. Steve’s watching Moonshiners on TV and thinks their recent batch of liquor might lack the gusto of traditional moonshine. Plans are afoot for Steve’s upcoming birthday. 

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