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Forced Taco Compliance

Steve prepared his California tacos for a big family dinner. The grandchildren were instructed to be extra thankful. Mike, Kathryn, Mary and Emmett are attending the Harry Styles concert at United Center. Steve keeps finding candy wrappers on the floor.

About This Episode

Finally, Taco Night explained, whether you like it or night, though a thank you would be nice not required). Dag padded around his house in his robe this morning, and also watched a showbiz themed Matlock, in preparation for his golden years. Rosie is going in for a surgery, and as a result, Steve and Janet’s Hawaii trip will probably be cancelled. They are still hoping to get to Florida to assess the damage and possibly look into a solar generator. There’s a Harry Styles concert in the offing for the older kids in the Mike Dahl brood. Also: Ask Janet!

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