Dahl Background

Nesting Dahls

Steve’s childhood sprinkler was a Rain Bird. He tries to wrap his head around the big GameStop short. Janet recalls a onetime plan to build an addition above the garage complete with a circular staircase. The Janet vacation packing experience has begun.

About This Episode

Steve’s found a boring new nature show with a misleading name, and he’s bailing. He was a pioneer in cutting the cable, but he mainly did it for grooming purposes. Brendan has found a Bucktown cheese shop with a bad pun for a name. What he’s really looking for, though, are high quality sheets to match the dusky sky blue color scheme of his bedroom. Steve and Janet are prepping for their Florida trip: Janet’s taking everything (in a series of bins) and Steve is taking nothing but his new Love’s Truck Stop app. Pull up a key lime pie and join us for today’s DahlCast, complete with an Ask Janet segment.

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