Dahl Background

Non Compost Mentis

Steve’s shadow looks lazy. Brendan caught up with Ron Lewis in Hackney’s parking lot. Dag grilled fingerling potatoes and Beyond Burgers on his Weber. Steve is celebrating Giving Tuesday by donating to Feeding America. Brendan might join a compost club.

About This Episode

Steve has a lazy shadow that only seems to be walking while he’s jogging. Brendan misses the good old days of watching fights with his bros. The mention of a Hackney’s onion loaf (and a hamburger on pumpernickel bread) brings back memories of a happier time for Dag. There’s a door to door salesman in Bucktown who’s trying to sell Brendan on a composting system, but Steve’s not sure that the numbers add up. A caller straightens us all out about the freshness of store-bought holiday pies. Steve is celebrating Giving Tuesday by donating to the Greater Chicago Food Depository (Feeding America).

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