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Pee Wee Herman

Things you wouldn’t understand..

About This Episode

Take a with Steve and Garry back to 1983 and 1984 when Pee Wee Herman stopped by the WLS_FM and WLS-AM Studios respectively. These in-studio visits were during the height of Pee Wee’s popularity and long before the famous movie-house incident (we're not judging). If it feels good, do it. Just not to a police officer. For you trivia buffs (DahlCast Fun Pun), Pee Wee was watching "Nancy Nurse," Turn Up the Heat" and "Tiger Shark.". I mean who wouldn't want to whip it out to those XXX classics? Thanks for your compassionate response this week to our Dahl/Joliat family loss. We're back on Monday, and some funny stuff happened too!

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