Slap Happy
Mike Dahl sits in on today’s show as we hold court on Will Smith slapping Chris Rock at the Oscars. Tom Thayer tells us the 1985 Bears had a tradition of popping alligator nuggets on the team plane. Tom deep fried a turkey in Sheboygan over the weekend.
About This Episode
Mike Dahl stops by Steve's bedroom podcast facility to break down what it’s like to watch the Oscars with his father. Hint: the mansplaining and audio geekery puts them an hour behind "The Incident". The guys give us their take on the slap heard round the world too. Mike’s also got some excellent Bears questions for Tom Thayer. Tom shares a really sweet story (complete with a photo) about Sweetness making his first trip to the Thayer household back in the day. We also learn of Walter's love for Ann Thayer's pasta salad.
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