Dahl Background

Smart Speakers/Spies

Steve has his tarps ready for tonight’s fireworks display. A cane is apparently be used as a mother murdering weapon. We come to a consensus on what temperature to best consume a salsa. Callers are counting missed puns and jamming to Dag’s latest theme.

About This Episode

Smart speakers: are they the ultimate modern convenience, or are they dangerous, information-gathering double agents? Steve leans on his quite a bit, but Dag claims he’ll never own one. Speaking of things Dag isn’t a fan of, he wants nothing to do with Justin Timberlake. Brendan provides a hot topic. Well, make that a room temperature topic: salsa, at what temperature should it be served? There’s a bizarre murder story that stretches from Chicago’s Gold Coast to Dwight, Illinois, and then back and forth between gas stations. Happy July 4th Weekend from Steve, Brendan, and Dag!

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