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State Street Steve

Steve was dockside with Tom O’Toole in New Buffalo. Dag sent Tom Thayer a hot new condiment: spicy chili crisp. Brendan saw Elon Musk’s Starlink satellites in the sky. Phil Mickelson became the oldest golfer ever to win a major. Steve’s too into TikTok.

About This Episode

Steve and Janet had a lovely time in Michigan hanging with the O’Tooles. Boating life is calling Steve, especially since there’s a boat named Aloha Friday in the harbor. We speak with Tom Thayer, who has taken a food recommendation from both Dag and Jay Hilgenberg. Tom’s focus is on his hip replacement surgery, scheduled for tomorrow, and he’s trying not to sweat it too much. A wistful Brendan looks up into the night time sky over Bucktown and sees: UFOs? Steve dives deeper into the Tik-Tok rabbit hole. Brendan recalls when Steve attempted a fast, like Phil Mickelson.

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