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Xfinity Poop Loop

Steve’s still having pool guy issues. Fortunately, he boasts pool expertise from his days growing up in California. The White Sox beat the Cardinals and one Sox fan put the beat down on one another in the stands. Dag needs to study his Star Wars droids.

About This Episode

Steve is loving TikTok more than he expected to, and his cottonwood video is trending strongly in the 300+ views region. There’s a serious lady fight in the White Sox bleachers, and it’s a sign that baseball is truly back. Dag is admonished by Brendan for a serious Star Wars mistake, which leads us to an area of Brendan’s expertise: 80s sitcoms. But it’s not all triumph today, as Xfinity (or is it Comcast), in their dogged pursuit of “enhancing the overall experience” ends up shutting Brendan’s internet. It’s a Talk To Me Tuesday, and Steve commits to enhancing the overall experience. Dag regrets swearing during a show, and also wonders if he needs to examine some Jethro Tull albums that initially left him cold.

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