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Wet Ass Scallops

It’s Janet’s birthday! Steve is taking her out for American cuisine. Tom O’Toole brought Steve and Janet burritos and tacos from Michigan. Flowermouth even used green sauce. Is green hotter than red? Dag exposes a shadowy truth about the lazy art world.

About This Episode

It’s Janet’s birthday today, and waiter Steven reads us the menu from tonight’s dinner for two. It’s also a Talk To Me Tuesday, and we make it through the entire bank of subscriber phone calls. Keep ‘em coming! Steve recalls his father’s pony picture business, and a subscriber wonders if she might have had her picture taken on the same pony that Roger Dahl employed. Which is your favorite threesome: The Three Stooges or Genesis? Does Billy Dec still own Underground? Do artists do all of their own work? Finally, which salsa is hotter: red or green?

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