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Spunky Dunkers

Steve visited Spunky Dunkers on Saturday after Henry Dahl’s football game. Tom Thayer and Justin Fields share a French Bulldog connection. Steve was impressed by a voiceover guy on TikTok. Dag Juhlin and Poi Dog Pondering rocked Summerfest in Milwaukee.

About This Episode

In order to secure more voiceover work, Steve wonders if he needs to incorporate more hand gestures. He’s following Tik Tok and even had a video that scored some impressive numbers this weekend; he touted the quality of a new (to him) donut shop, Spunky Dunkers. Tom Thayer checks in with some good thoughts about the Bears victory, while also floating an exciting possible job opportunity for Dag. Tom also shares a fashion tip from Jeff Joniak. Steve golfed over the weekend, including a marathon Friday "Invitational" with his old friend, John Roach. Also, when people say they’re not serious about golf, they’re always serious about golf. 

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