Dahl Background

Nice Spice Rack

A taco bar is planned for the Dahl house. Penzeys in Naperville gets a shout out from a listener for their spice selection. Dag baked banana bread. Janet’s ice maker has frozen its last cube. She lugged the carcass to the garage. Steve would’ve helped.

About This Episode

Steve and Brendan are, in their own unique ways, slammers. Hank’s baleful stares lead Brendan to go to a coffee house to get some writing done, but he finds the Wrigleyville coffee prices shocking. There’s a single new Crock-Pot in his life, whereas Steve and Janet have multiples. Janet answers subscriber emails, some with a holiday theme. Speaking of email, our subscribers offered Brendan a lot of spice advice. Dag rocked a Brendan-less but full house at Simon’s last night.

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