Dahl Background

OK Computer

Steve’s Apple Store adventure began with a sandwich and a haircut. He ended up purchasing a new MacBook Pro. Bat beers and Dansby Swanson made for a successful Opening Day at Wrigley Field. A misunderstanding nearly instigated a full-blown text quarrel.

About This Episode

Yesterday was a busy day for everyone, and we get a chance to learn about how it all went. Brendan, despite arriving puzzlingly late to yesterday’s Cubs home opener, had a glorious time with friends, family and novelty bats filled with beer, at his Happy Place. Steve, on the other hand, had to endure the stress of a computer replacement and large data transfer, not to mention a serious cash outlay. On the upside, there was a fresh haircut, a sandwich and the purchase of some much needed batteries. Dag and Brendan used a minimalist approach in their encouragement of Steve as he soldiered through his tech journey. Will Brendan ever be in as good a physical shape as his podcast partners Doug and Steph?

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